Our Mission, Our Purpose, Our Values

Why We Started Gainesville Dentistry Co.

September 12, 2022

Our Mission

Success in any endeavor is hard to achieve without the mission in mind. Your mission guides you towards results, but it also lets people know what your business' culture is all about. How many times have you gone into a store and left without any sense of who the people are who started it or work there? Let me make this easier for you. How many times have you gone into a business and actually felt like you understood the mission without needing to ask? It's rare. Maybe you remember some bakery you went to on a trip. You walked in and immediately comprehended the culture, the brand, and the mission of that bakery. Yes, they were there to serve up delicious pastries like every other bakery, but something was different. Maybe you vibed with the ambience, maybe the muffins were just a little bit tastier than the shop across the street, or maybe you just got a sense that they cared just a little bit more about your experience. Gainesville Dentistry Co. was founded as an answer for those who understand the necessity of dentistry but wish it could be delivered differently. Our mission is clear. Gainesville Dentistry Co. seeks to be the go-to practice in Gainesville, Florida for people who want to be heathier, feel great, and look their best. Everything we do for you in that dental chair has that mission in mind. You are an active team member in your own oral health. If being healthy, feeling great, and looking your best are priorities for you, then we are the dental home you need. Everything we do outside of the dental chair will quickly let you know that we appreciate that coming to the dentist can come with stress, distrust, or a lack of comfort/hospitality. Every aspect of our practice has been curated to make you feel comfortable and relaxed. From the coffee shop feel to the comfortable furniture, and much much more, Gainesville Dentistry Co. does dentistry differently.

Our Purpose

We've established what we want to do for you, but why? What is our purpose? Certainly you need a "why" with your "what." A mission without a purpose is doomed from the start. The purpose is that unifying principle that drives everything the organization does. It is why we wake up every morning with excitement to come to work and treat our patients. Our Purpose, which can be found on a wall in our office alongside Our Mission and Our Values is the following: We strive to enhance the quality of people's lives with honesty and integrity, always adhering to a we not me perspective. Our team goes above and beyond to help our patients and to help the other members of our team in accomplishing our common goal.

Our Values

Our team approach carries into Our Values. In fact, we use T.E.A.M. as an acronym.

Take Ownership

Engage and Build Trust

Always Be Patient-centric

Master Consistency

Every member of our team understands that these core values are a requirement for working with us. Our team consists of awesome human beings who are highly trained and experienced in providing dental care. Our team has a combined 60+ years of dental experience that helps us provide optimal dental care in a peaceful setting.

Experience the Difference

We knew that by opening a practice in a city like Gainesville, we would not be the only option people had. When deciding between offices, the first big decision is between corporate offices and private practices. Corporate offices have an overseeing entity that can influence the type of dentistry that is performed. With corporate places, there can be quotas that dentists may feel pressured to meet in terms of how many crowns they need to do a month, for instance. Unfortunately there are enough stories like this for Dr. Feldman to know that he did not want to be part of a corporate setting. Dr. Feldman's commitment is to his patients and their best needs. Sometimes it can be difficult to know which practices are corporate. Some of the obvious corporate practices are ones like Aspen Dental and Coast Dental that you see across the country. Often times, corporations are much sneakier than that. Places like Northwest Family Dental, Gainesville Family Dentistry, University Family Dentistry, Gainesville Dental Associates, Tioga Dental, and Tower Dental Associates are all corporate practices run by a much larger parent company. Many consumers do not know this because of their "local" branding and think that they are going to a locally owned, small business for their dental care. Dr. Greg Feldman is the owner and dentist of Gainesville Dentistry Co. and does not answer to a corporation when it comes to what materials are purchased to provide the best dentistry for the patients and what treatments should be done for them. We would be honored if you would be willing to give our office a try. We hope to become your dental home! Give us a call at (352) 88-SMILE!

About The Author

Dr. Greg Feldman has completed over 1500 hours of continuing education following his graduation from the University of Florida College of Dentistry. To put this into perspective, dentists are only required to take 30 hours of continuing education every two years. This means that Dr. Feldman has already taken 100 years of dental education in his relatively young career. He is an avid learner and a lifelong student of dentistry. As a Master of the Academy of General Dentistry and a Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, Dr. Feldman has achieved a level of recognition in the field of dentistry that few have ever reached. With this in mind, you can rest assured that anything he writes about on this blog is well researched and backed by scientific evidence and his extensive training.

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